British Electrophoresis Society
英文简称 : BEC
中文全称 : 英国电泳学会
所属分类 : 机构组织
词条简介 : The British Electrophoresis Society is a registered charity (288127) and aims to advance the science of electrophoresis, to further public education therein and to promote study and research work in electrophoresis and related subjects for the public benefit. The BES is a member of the International Council for Electrophoresis Societies.
- BEC : Business English Certificate 商务英语证书
- BEC : Backward Error Correction 后向纠错
- BEC : background equivalent concentration 本底等效浓度,背景当量浓度
- BEC : Business Economics 经营经济学
- BEC : Binary Erasure Channel 二进制删除信道
- BEC : British Electrontechnical Committee 英国电气技术委员会
- BEC : Business Education Council 商业教育委员会